What you get

Online Product Management – Back end

For Client staff to login and manage product and services details and set the prices which customers will select and pay towards, such as subscription and examination fees.

Online Store – Front end

For customers to select items they want to pay for. A user friendly interface that will take each customer from choosing the items they want to settle, to effecting the payment all from the Client website. This will be accessible from a varying range of devices including laptops, desktops and tablet computers or smart phones.

Debit/Credit Card Payment Processing

Secure and automatic processing of accepting payments from customers and facilitating the instant transfer of funds from the customer’s bank account to Client account. This is all done without human intervention meaning the customer can pay even outside Office hours.

Transaction Notifications

Valid documentation such as receipts is automatically Generated and transmitted to both the customer and the finance Department to validate and record transactions.

Online Sales Reporting

A breakdown of online sales reports is accessible anytime by the finance department and management in various formats including CSV, Excel and PDF formats for easy export into existing accounting packages.

Internet Banking Terminal

Electronic bank statement is available to Client finance to monitor their bank account and verify truncations at any time